We reward applicants putting forward the most compelling & actionable ocean-related strategies to combat climate change. Apply by Sept 28th!
The Community Awards for Ocean Related Solutions will reward applicants putting forward the most compelling and actionable ocean-related strategies to combat climate change, with special credit given to programs addressing one or more of the Blue Climate Initiative themes: renewable energy and marine transportation, food and nutrition, biodiversity and nature-based solutions, mineral and genetic resources and sustainable tourism. Approaches may vary widely – we are focused on impact. Projects may include community programs working on climate change mitigation or adaptation, and strategies may include anything from awareness building and behavior change to marine protection and restoration programs, capacity building, livelihood development, policy change and research.
To qualify, projects must be designed, led, and implemented with meaningful leadership and participation from individuals, groups, and organizations from the place (village, town, city, county or province) where the activities occur. Applications must list a person identified as Project Lead from the country where the project is taking place, and should indicate a non-profit organisation that will act as administrator of the project. (Entrepreneurs and innovators will be invited to apply for separate prizes in 2021. Stay posted !)
Community Award winning projects will receive support leading up to the Summit from the Blue Climate Initiative and its world-class network, US$30,000 to US$70,000 each to advance their project in the lead-up to the Summit, and an invitation to the Summit where their project will be showcased.
Expressions of interest are now being accepted. Forms can be found through the link below and must be submitted by 5:00 pm on September 28th, 2020 (United States PST). Shortlisted candidates will be invited to submit full applications in October 2020.
In early 2021, the Blue Climate Initiative is launching a global incentive prize challenge to stimulate transformative ideas and surface high-potential approaches for addressing the climate crisis through our oceans. The focus of this challenge will be on technology and entrepreneurial based solutions. Finalists will receive cash prizes and be invited to attend the Blue Climate Summit in mid-2021 in Tahiti, where their projects will be profiled and introduced to many of the world’s leading investors and ocean experts and champions. Check back for updates!
The Blue Climate Initiative is also sponsoring a Tahiti (French Polynesia) educational program focused on the themes of the Blue Climate Initiative. This program includes an incentive prize challenge to stimulate high school and other students to develop locally inspired and relevant programs for addressing climate change and other issues of critical importance to island communities. Winners will be honored at the Summit.
Awards:- up to $70,000
Deadline:- 28-09-2020