The Albert Einstein Scholarship supports creative, interdisciplinary thinking by giving outstanding young researchers the opportunity to realize a project that is outside of their previous academic work. The scholarship was awarded in 2007 – 2009 by the Einstein Forum and the ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius, and since 2010 by the Einstein Forum together with the Daimler and Benz Foundation.
With the Albert Einstein Scholarship, the Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation want to offer outstanding young scientists from Germany and abroad the opportunity to carry out a research project that is outside of their previous work. The aim is to support those young universalists who – like Albert Einstein – are not only characterized by their exceptional achievements in a specific scientific field, but also by their interdisciplinary commitment.
The scholarship is linked to a stay in the summer house of Einstein’s summer house in Caputh, which lasts between five and six months. The Einsteinhaus is a place that is significant in terms of both science and architecture history and is connected to the universities of Potsdam and Berlin. The scholarship holder receives a grant of EUR 10,000 as well as the travel expenses incurred.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the current Einstein scholarship holder will only be able to start his stay in Caputh in 2021. Therefore, the next scholarship cannot be awarded for the coming year as planned, but only for 2022. All submitted applications for Albert Einstein Scholarship will remain valid and will be considered for the next selection. The new application deadline is May 15, 2021. If you want to withdraw your application, please let us know.
Applicants should be under 35 years of age and have a qualified university degree in a humanities, social or natural science subject. The applications for 2022 should a CV and an exposé of the activities planned under the grant project (both in English) and include two academic references and up to May 15, 2021 be filed.
The scholarship holders are expected to adequately document the scientific work carried out during the months in Caputh. Documentation includes giving a public lecture in the Einstein Forum and in the Daimler and Benz Foundation. However, the scholarship is expressly not used to complete a work that has already started, such as a dissertation or habilitation thesis.
The evaluation of the applications takes place according to the quality, originality and feasibility of the project proposals as well as according to the scientific background of the applicant. It does not matter here whether a doctorate has already been started or completed. The proposed project does not have to be completed within the given timefram
Awards:- The grant is intended to cover living expenses and project expenses incurred during your fellowship period.
Deadline:- 21-05-2021