The Shop Your Way Mastercard is available to use anywhere Mastercard is accepted. The card earns 5% on eligible purchases at gas stations, 3% on eligible purchases at grocery stores and restaurants, 2% on eligible Shop Your Way Mastercard merchants (i.e., Sears, Kmart, Sears Hometown and Sears Home Services] and 1% on all other eligible purchases. You can choose from an existing array of redemption options in the ever-growing Shop Your Way network as a Shop Your Way member.
We’d like to learn what kinds of credit card benefits you’ve loved, and how we can improve our own offerings to attract new cardholders and keep existing cardholders happy!
Please complete the following:
1) What is the best benefit you’ve received from a credit card that isn’t tied to earning rewards points, discounts, or cash back?
- Tell us the specifics for why this benefit is the best and how it has impacted how and when you use the credit card.
2) What are some benefits that the Shop Your Way Mastercard could provide to shoppers that aren’t tied to rewards points, discounts, or cash back?
- Tell us your specific ideas that could be unique to the Shop Your Way Mastercard.
3) What are some benefits that the Shop Your Way Mastercard could provide to shoppers that ARE tied to rewards points, discounts, or saving money?
- Tell us some specific ideas around the types of rewards points but please, do not share specific percentages back.
- We are more interested in hearing if there are specific spending categories, offer types (i.e., balance transfers, deferred interest), or other financial benefits this card could provide.
NOTE: If you attach your submission as a PDF, PPT, Word Doc, or other file type, you must still paste your answer text into the body of the submission window. Failure to do so will result in a lower score.
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $800
Deadline:- 24-10-2022