Battling a life-threatening illness is an incredibly difficult challenge, and family and friends may not always be able to offer the support that’s needed, no matter how much they try. And while doctors and specialists can offer support for their physical health, those that are struggling with an illness would also benefit from psychological help and support.
The purpose of this architecture ideas competition is to design a space in which those facing a terminal illness can go for respite, recuperation, and receive support in whatever form they may need it while they are battling their illness. Hospice – Home for the Terminally Ill would act as a centre where patients can visit daily to get advice, guidance, and companionship while they’re going through treatment. This competition is a chance for participants to explore how architecture can be used as a tool to help people and demonstrate how architecture can offer psychological relief to those who are suffering.
While this is an architecture ideas competition with an emphasis on creating more conceptual designs, Hospice – Home for the Terminally Ill will need to provide a few key functions and have the maximum capacity to comfortably host 15 visitors and 5 staff members. It will need to have a common area with a small library, a gathering room, and a chapel; a kitchen and dining room, as well as a private area which could function as a nurse’s room and therapy room for psychological support.
There is no defined location chosen for this competition, and participants are asked to select a theoretical site from their own home country.
- 1st Prize – 3,000 €
- 2nd Prize – 1,500 €
- 3rd Prize – 500 €
- ARCHHIVE Student Award – 500 € + 50 € gift card at ARCHHIVE BOOKS
- Bee Breeders Green Award – 500 €
Deadline:- 13-07-2021