We are a global supply chain company that is currently rebuilding our careers page from the ground up. This page will contain a great amount of information on topics like our company’s employment practices, our policies on hybrid working, diversity & inclusion efforts, etc. The careers page will also connect to a portal where visitors can search for open jobs at our company.
As we make progress on this careers page, it’s important that we create something which is going to appeal to Millennial & Gen Z candidates. In the past, we have had a hard time attracting these demographics, so we are hoping your ideas will help make sure we really get the strategy right!
Please answer the following questions:
1) What are the most important things an employer can highlight to attract Millennial & Gen Z candidates?
2) What do you think an employer could do with their careers page to really capture your attention & interest?
- Can you share any examples of corporate careers pages that you think do a great job of engaging Millennial & Gen Z visitors?
3) Beyond a careers page, what are the best ways an employer in the supply chain sector can connect & engage with Millennial & Gen Z candidates?
- What kind of digital channels & venues?
- What type of messaging and content (video, voice, other…) would resonate the most?
- Do you think LinkedIn InMail messages, or other types of direct outreach are effective? Why/why not?
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $1,600
Deadline:- 13-06-2022