As the sun set on the world an array of lights dotted the once dark horizon. With the help of a brigade of toads, Lux had made it past the terrors in the night to see the dawn of a new age. Seeking new challenges, plans were made to send a forward force with one mission: terraform Mars!
Welcome to the Lux AI Challenge Season 2!
The Lux AI Challenge is a competition where competitors design agents to tackle a multi-variable optimization, resource gathering, and allocation problem in a 1v1 scenario against other competitors. In addition to optimization, successful agents must be capable of analyzing their opponents and developing appropriate policies to get the upper hand.
All code can be found at our Github, make sure to give it a star while you are there!
Make sure to join our community discord to chat, strategize, and learn with other competitors! We will be posting announcements on the Kaggle Forums and on the discord.
Monetary prizes are distributed to the top 8 competitors on the leaderboard at the end of the competition
1st Place – $15,000
2nd Place – $10,000
3rd-8th Place – $5,000
Co-authorship will also be considered for academic parties generated by the hosts of the competition.
Special Prizes
QuantCo Prizes
Additionally, our company sponsor QuantCo will be giving out non-monetary prizes for the following categories
QuantCo Top Performance Award:
QuantCo will be giving out the QuantCo Top Performance Award, which is awarded to the best 10 individual competitors (single-member teams) and the best 10 teams (multiple-member teams) in the competition based on the final results.
QuantCo Best Deep RL and Best Supervised Deep Learning Awards:
QuantCo will also be giving out awards for the two best deep RL solutions on the leaderboard, as well as the two best supervised deep learning solutions.
Lux AI Challenge Sprint Award
At the end of each month of active competition*, the top 2 on the leaderboard will receive the Lux AI Challenge Sprint award for developing strong bots early on! This award can only be won once per team and if a team in the top 2 has already won the Sprint award, it will be given to the next highest ranking team who has not won the award. All teams are automatically entered into this competition.
In addition to the Sprint Award, teams will also be awarded competition t-shirts in addition to potential swag from our sponsors as well.
Deadline:- 25-04-2023