The NavIC Grand Challenge is an initiative to encourage, promote, and nurture innovation that leverages the NavIC services and other allied indigenous geospatial offerings, and set India on a path towards domestic mapping and navigation capabilities. This would also open up opportunities for Indian startups to exploit potential markets outside India.
The NavIC Grand Challenge has been set up to invite ideas that use NavIC-enabled drones to capture data of damage caused to farm field topography, processing of this data, and making it available for commercial purposes.
The NavIC Grand Challenge would be open to DPIITrecognized Startups working in the areas indicated in the problem statements (we encourage startups to get recognised by DPIIT and apply for the challenge).
All novel approaches will be considered, but the proposed solution must be flexible, easily deployable, affordable, and scalable.
Phase I – Prototype Development
Based on the proposals, a cohort of 7 startups will be selected for Phase I and will receive a grant of Rs. 50 lakhs each for a period of 6 months to develop a prototype of their NavIC-enabled drone-based imaging and processing system. The 7 selected startups will have to showcase their working prototype and the validation of their data analysis result.
• Phase II – On-field Demonstration and Integration with PMFBY Framework
Further, 3 startups will be selected from that cohort for Phase II and will receive a grant of Rs. 100 lakhs each for a period of another 6 months to develop a fully working product that can be integrated with the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) framework. The startups will have to do an on-field demonstration of their product and provide proof of their product’s capability of measuring the extent of damage to crops caused by any natural disaster to enable the PMFBY infrastructure to settle claims.
Technical mentorship and handholding will be provided to startups in both the phases.
Deadline:- 31-07-2022