The Buildner architecture competition organiser is asking architecture enthusiasts to submit designs for a painters’ residence to be located on the beautiful shore of Cernostes Lake, in one of Europe’s greenest countries, Latvia.
The house that is currently on site was once owned by two brothers who lived there with their families. The current site owners are now looking to transform it into a prime example of a sustainable environment, which respects the basic principles of nature.
The new residence would need to function as a temporary home and workshop for painters. It would need to replace the current building and accommodate two painters who would move in with their families and live in the new house for three months. These artists would then vacate to make room for another two painters to replace them.
The key space of the building would be an inspiring painters workshop that would need to be a versatile space that would offer plenty of natural light, with the option to be transformed from one large area to smaller, more private work zones if required.
The residence would need to offer a balance of privacy and interaction so that both families could live together comfortably for a prolonged period of time.
As winning designs will be put forward for consideration for construction, the jury will be looking for projects that focus on eco-friendly and cost-effective building techniques, in keeping with Latvia’s reputation as one of the greenest countries in Europe.
3 winning proposals, 3 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders) will award a total of 10,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:
1st Prize – 4,000 €
2nd Prize – 2,500 €
3rd Prize – 1,000 €
+ 6 honourable mentions
Client’s Favorite Award – 1,000 €
Buildner Student Award – 1000 € + 50 € gift card at ARCHHIVE BOOKS
Buildner Sustainability Award – 500 €
Deadline:- 08-12-2022