Identify a context i.e. situation or domain area which should be improved to positively impact a certain primary beneficiary group.
Domain Area Options: Civil rights & justice; Climate change & environment; Public education & research; Emergency relief; Public health & medicine; Heritage & tradition; Inclusion; Sanitation & waste processing; Basic needs & eradicate poverty; Sports & games; Training & livelihoods; Water conservation;
Beneficiary Group Options: Abuse victims; Animals; Artisans; Children; Dalits, SCs, STs; Elderly; Households with disturbance; Human trafficking victims; LGBTQ+; Locality or neighborhood; Migrant population; People with a disability; Prison inmates; Refugees; Rural poor; Tribals; Urban poor; Women; Youth
Entries must be posted in the form on by 29-Oct, Fri, midnight IST.
Panel of experts (who are either Advisor/ Coach/ Consultant/ Counsellor/ Mentor/ Speaker/ Teacher/ Trainer in any focus area) will review and add upto 10 endorsements each for goal-spaces created on the platform.
Qualifying applicants will be emailed by 1-Nov, Mon, midnight IST with links to access their user account (including advance incentives), goal space, a guide to use incentives, and further instructions. Round 2 commences soon after the email.