This new campaign from Bombay Sapphire will showcase the creative inspiration that exists in everyday moments and will demonstrate how people can reframe their world to find more creativity.
Bombay Sapphire believes the world is a gallery. And creative inspiration is everywhere and can be found in everything. To examine this idea, we’re inviting creators from all over the world to show us what everyday moments inspire them. And what it inspired. What they saw, and what they made.
Something that on the surface, can seem unnoticeable but inspire something beautiful. The project will reveal what creators see and demonstrate how people can reframe their worldview. Proving that creativity isn’t about what you see, but more about how you see it.
The ask is to ‘Show us what you see’. An open invitation to creators just like you to share images or videos on what you SAW out in the real world that then inspired what you MADE. What you MADE will also need to be delivered in a corresponding image or video format.
Read the full brief below to see more details of what we are looking for!
Awards:- They want to see your creativity and are going to be selecting 10 pieces of work that will be chosen as Selected Creators and receive £1,000 each.
Deadline:- 29-08-2022