SmartIDEAthon is a student pitching competition of ideas built on themes that are currently relevant to our nation and with the aim to create sustainable and resilient communities. It is organized by Venture Development Centre,GITAM annually in collaboration with StartupIndia, Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets, Boston and Northeastern University Center for Entrepreneurship Education (NUCEE), Boston. SmartIDEAthon is for college students ( UG & PG level) participants from across the country to showcase their venture ideas. From the year 2022, GITAM collaborated with StartupIndia, Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets, Boston and Northeastern University Center for Entrepreneurship Education (NUCEE), Boston for SmartIDEAthon. With an overwhelming response from all Indian States, it had received 1200+ applications. The cash and grant prizes were worth up to 30 Lakhs.
1. The competition is open only to current students of undergraduate or postgraduate programs who are enrolled in Full Time courses in recognized universities and also who will be graduating in 2023 or later.
2. Indian citizens studying in India are only eligible for participating in SmartIDEAthon – 2023
3. Teams in the advanced Ideation, prototype or research stage will be eligible.
4. Founder/Co-Founder are only eligible to apply and represent in the SmartIDEAthon – 2023.
5. Founder/Co-Founder both should adhere to the criteria number 1
6. During the application process,the students should submit their bonafide certificates and photo based student identification card (ID card).
7. In the event of suspicion of candidature, SmartIDEAthon – 2023 team has all the rights to ask for any other additional documents.
8. If all members of a team are from the same institute, one joint letter is acceptable.
to create affordable, sustainable, and impactful solutions for the masses.
INR 4,50,000 Cash Prizes to be won across various categories
1. INR 3,00,000 worth NorthEastern University Center for Entreprenuership Education’s IDEA venture development coaching program for one year, to each finalist.
2. INR 1,00,000 worth cloud credits and goodies.
1. Winner – SmartIDEAthon – 2023 will have fully sponsored two weeks trip for two members (Founder and co-founder ONLY) to Boston worth INR 6,00,000). Includes visa fee, roundtrip economy airfare, food, stay and local transportation.
2. Runner up – SmartIDEAthon – 2023 will have partly-sponsored two weeks trip for two members (Founder and co-founder ONLY) to Boston, worth INR 3,00,000. Includes visa fee, food, stay and local transportation.
1. Best Woman-led Entrepreneurship Idea
2. Leben Jo
Deadline:- 22-06-2023