Imagine what Tyrol in 2030 could look like. Your task is to come up with topics you would like to address in order to improve the future of the region. Ranging from first-draft ideas to visualized concepts – every contribution is welcome. Your approaches should include a detailed description on how to improve the situation of the region in a sustainable way. Those concepts should improve the quality of life for residents as well as for tourists.
 Questions to go along:
How does your approach improve the sustainability/livability of the region of Tyrol?
Who will be in charge of your idea? Who is going to execute the idea? Who is affected?
Can your approach be profitable?
What skills are needed to address the challenges?
We are looking especially for approaches that fit in the area of:Â Â
- Innovative Tourism Concepts
- Prevention/Health/Life Sciences
- Location for companies for the digitalization of Tyrolean businesses
– e.g. crafts, tourism, alpine technologies; timber construction, SMEs - Habitat, food/local groceries and agriculture
Always keep in mind – the focus of this challenge is on sustainability and livability!
Please also describe the specific problem you solve and the value you provide with your approach. The concept should be based on ideas and technologies that are already available and that can be quickly implemented.
Evaluation Criteria:
The jury and the coaches will evaluate the ideas based on the following criteria:
- Creativity
- Livability for Tyrol
- Sustainability
- Value and Relevance for Tyrol
- Feasibility (technological/economic)
The central objective of Tyrolean spatial planning is to further develop the spatial structures of the province in such a way that they comply with the principle of sustainability. This is the only way to leave sufficient room for future generations to meet the changing requirements of the future. In this way, Tyrol can continue to be an attractive place to live and a successful economic region. The requirements and interests to be taken into account are manifold and partly also contradictory. Therefore, the future quality of life and location of Tyrol depends on the balanced fulfillment of economic, social and ecological criteria, taking into account the specific spatial conditions. Achieving and maintaining this balance requires a clear goal orientation, a high degree of coordination and future-oriented priority setting.
A source of inspiration for possible ideas from the field of tourism is the Mesnerhof C in Steinberg. The Mesnerhof is as an old, renewed co-working farm, as a space to work and live for tourists. You can find more information here:Â
But don’t be too influenced by this example, any idea is welcome.
Awards:- T.B.A
Deadline:- 01-06-2021