Trieste Photo Young is a new FREE contest dedicated to photographers under 30, promoted by the cultural association dotART along with the assistance of “Fondazione Pietro Pittini” and in collaboration with PAG – Progetto Area Giovani (Municipality of Trieste), within the international festival Trieste Photo Days 2021.
This will be an innovative and exciting contest divided into two parts: the first stage consists of a group stage while the second one is a knockout stage, along the lines of the World Cup. You can follow the evolution of the contest on this website, where the classifications will be published and updated as the jury votes.
The contest will continue online until the quarters, while the semi-finals and the final will take place live during the Trieste Photo Days, where the jury will decide the winning photo.
Several prizes up for grabs offered by the Fondazione Pietro Pittini:
- The four semi-finalists will be hosted in Trieste to attend the final.
- The winner will be awarded an Amazon voucher of 500 €.
- The 32 photos ranked in the Sixteenth Round will be exhibited from October 26th to November 7th 2021 at the collective exhibition Trieste Photo Young 2021 in a venue to be defined.
Moreover, our partner will give away:
- 4 of their pioneer course, the 365 Days of Photography Course, for a total value of € 1,460!
Deadline::- 04-07-2021