When it comes to food, a major trend in recent years has been the idea of fusion cuisine. This means the mixing of multiple cuisines to make something new and delicious that has elements that will be familiar to multiple groups. A great example of this in the United States is Tex-Mex, which blends Mexican foods and flavors with those of the southern US – most notably Texas.
We are interested in new ideas for food products that blend American & Asian cuisine. Specifically, we want you to consider Chinese, Thai, Korean, and Japanese influences when submitting your ideas!
Please answer the following questions:
1) What is your idea for a new food product that blends American & Asian cuisines?
- Describe the American & Asian elements of your food idea
- When/how would people eat your idea? Ex. for dinner, snack, lunch? Handheld vs. eaten on a plate?
2) What would you call your product idea?
3) Why do you think your idea would be popular?
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $1,600