Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience, open to students and professionals worldwide. It serves to engage the fields of architecture, design, engineering and planning in the pursuit of sustainable design.
The 2023 competition challenge is to design an agriculture center, connecting the history of California’s first Black town, to its present aspiration to become a destination for sustainable agriculture and Black history.
Graduate students and professionals will also design housing for farm students on the site.
The 2023 Architecture at Zero competition focuses on decarbonization, resilience and equity. The challenge is to design a teaching and innovation farm lab, connecting the history of California’s first Black town, to its present aspiration to become a destination for sustainable agriculture.
All entrants will design the Teaching & Innovation Farm Lab. Graduate students and professionals will also design housing for farm students on the site.
Key aspects of this project include responding to the challenges of equity and resilience through the design solution.
There are four parts to this competition:
First, entrants will create an overall site plan to accommodate the program. Entrants are encouraged to highlight any energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy storage, and carbon reduction strategies or systems shown.
Second, entrants will design the building in detail, demonstrating how the design will result in lower carbon emissions and embodied carbon, and addressing the requirements of the California Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. In order to indicate how the building design will result in lower carbon emissions, entrants will provide required documentation and may also include supplementary documentation.
Third, entrants are asked to describe how this project will build resilience. Entrants will be asked to complete a table outlining the inclusion of climate adaptation strategies and indicate on the site plan or section aspects of design strategies that support resiliency.
Finally, entrants are asked to consider how their design addresses equity for the community. Entrants will be asked to write a short essay and indicate on the site plan or section aspects of design strategies that support equity.
Entries are judged on the presentation submission including the material highlighting the resilience and equity aspects of the submission. A Technical Review Panel will convene to consider the decarbonization strategies of each entry. This Technical Evaluation is then provided to the Jury. The Technical Evaluation is not the sole criterion on which entries will be judged but acts as a complement to the overall project design evaluation.
Awards:- Recognition & award
Deadline:- 15-06-2023