The FLCTD Low Carbon Technology Accelerator offers business capacity building to start-ups developing innovative solutions that can reduce energy usage and dependence on fossil fuels leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The program is jointly implemented by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). FLCTD is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
As part of the Accelerator, 20 startups will be selected from the following sectors:
1. Industrial Low GHG Tech
2. Commercial Low GHG Tech
3. Storage Technologies
4. Resource Efficiency
5. Food and Agriculture
6. AI, ML, IoT, Deep Tech
1. Post the application, the start-ups with innovative technologies will be shortlisted
2. The shortlisted start-ups will be interviewed and if conditions permit, site visit will be conducted
3. On basis of the due deligence, the FLCTD Program Management Unit will select the TOP 20 CleanTech Startups startups in the program
1. Start-ups will go through a guided program where they will get to learn about the fundamentals of who their customers are and how will they make money.
2. The FLCTD Accelerator has a network of 50+ technical and business
mentors. Through the program, start-ups will get to interact with them one on one and build their network
3. Each start-up will get personalized attention from the Accelerator partner and refine their business strategies.
4. Every step of the program is designed in a manner to monitor the start-ups
progress so that they know what they have actually learned
5. The selected program start-ups will also get to pitch in front of 12-15 impact
investors and industries as part of the DEMO Day. Later, the start-ups will be
introduced to selected companies depending on mutual interest
Deadline:- 30-09-2021