Building on our commitment to sustainable development, we are pleased to offer annual grants to individuals or organisations that align with the Banyan Tree Global Foundation (BTGF) global framework within a local context to support measureable impact and progress towards larger regional or global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals to help people and the planet.
All projects should be innovative and impactful, aligned with one or more of our six focal areas, and conducted within countries where Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts operate. Projects must have a demonstrated need and urgency; should leverage local, regional and national partnerships necessary to deliver measurable impact, and shall be scalable with clear evaluation of success. All projects must uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour, honesty, fairness and transparency.
Biodiversity & Conservation: improve understanding, conservation and management of species and habitats.
Resource Use & Waste Management: innovative projects that tackle cradle to grave lifecycle of resources that benefit community, business and the environment.
Climate change & Resilience: elucidate global change and develop resilience in natural and human systems.
Education & Empowerment: development of education infrastructure, capacity and delivery to students of any age, with particular focus on disadvantaged members of society.
Health & Protection: focus on health and wellbeing in local communities.
Culture & Livelihood: development, protection, restoration and stewardship of culture and livelihoods.
Organisation affiliation is required to administer the grant, support and meet the requirements of the grant. NGO’s and international NGOs must demonstrate registration to operate in project county(s). At this time, we will not consider grant requests from government representatives; but they may be included as project partners to ensure project success.
Individuals over the age of 18 (with no upper age limit) at any level who have suitable skills and background experience are eligible to apply. We welcome applicants of any nationality, but if you are planning work outside your home country, you must include the name and contact information of at least one local collaborator as a team member. You may only be a project leader on a single project at a time, so until a final report has been submitted for an active project, further projects will not be funded. The individual responsible for carrying out the project must apply and write the application: others may not submit in the name of the Principle Investigator. Individuals are required to consult a tax professional should taxes apply. Grants will not be split between multiple individuals or organisations.
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Awards:- Grants
Deadline:- 31/12/2020