Help Us Create A New Meal Solution That Mixes Non-Perishable And Fresh Elements?
When you consider the layout of a typical supermarket, the center of the grocery store is usually where you’ll find non-perishable foods, with fresher items located closer to the edges. We are interested in creating new meal solutions that can still live in the center of the store (non-perishable) but have the addition of fresh items that might normally be found in perishable departments.
1) Propose an idea for a new packaged meal solution that is non-perishable but has the addition of fresh or perishable elements to make it more appealing
- What is the meal?
- What ingredients would be used?
- Describe what fresh ingredients would be added to the non-perishable meal to make it more appealing
2) What would you call your new meal creation?
3) What consumer group would be most likely to start buying your meal solution?
Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $1,600
Deadline:- 28-08-2021