National Innovation Pitch Fest ’22 is adhering to the “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” initiated by our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi, GISC – TBI is conceived to challenge India’s innovative minds to present their ingenious ideas, proof of concepts, or new business ideas. In this fest Students/Entrepreneurs will join to innovate the processes/products by using emerging technologies.
Early stage start-up’s, Budding entrepreneurs
Professionals with start-up’s ideas
UG and PG students with start-up’s ideas
No of participants 1-4 in a team
One can be part of only one team
Ideas for Emerging Technologies
To promote the startup ecosystem in Indian culture
To take the vision of make in India to New heights
To provide a platform startup to cultivate their idea
Awards:- Cash Prize
Deadline:- 19-04-2022