- Organize the contest.
- Coordinate with the panel of experts for the evaluation of ideas.
- Motivation, counseling and hand-holding.
- Review of progress, provide course corrections.
- Review feasibility of results
- Review report
Provide motivation for participation.
- Provide faculty resources.
- Provide lab facilities & resources for the execution
- Provide time allowance for the execution.
- Conduct internal review
- Communicate with InnoCulture on the progress through the faculty.
Come out with original idea which can solve some real life problem.
Provide details on the solution proposed.
Schedule and Milestones
Execution of work and show the experimental results for mid review
Conduct Demonstration of the final results / prototypes.
Submit a Final Report and scope for scale-up.
$ 1000 – First Prize
$ 500 – Second Prize
$ 200 – Third Prize
Deserving entries will get “Honourable Mention”
$ 500 – Second Prize
$ 200 – Third Prize
Deserving entries will get “Honourable Mention”
PROJECT TEAM – Form a team of 3-4 Students + Project Guide from University
AREAS OF SUBMISSION – IOT, IIOT, AI, Mechine-Learning, Multi-Media and Animation, Environmental Eng, Electromechanical, and anything innovative.
AREAS OF SUBMISSION – IOT, IIOT, AI, Mechine-Learning, Multi-Media and Animation, Environmental Eng, Electromechanical, and anything innovative.
Deadline:- 31-08-2021