Therefore, it is crucial to join efforts at an institutional and international level to identify and remove accessibility barriers to enable human development and social inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) – and promote innovative solutions that leverage the opportunities of ICT to foster equal inclusion of all and reduce the digital divide, particularly for Persons with Disabilities, enabling them to participate in and benefit from the Information and Knowledge Society.
The Regional Competition for Innovative Digital Solutions for an Accessible Europe promotes the goals and objectives of ITU, as well as Sustainable Development Goals, in the specific context of Europe. The competition aims at fostering the research and development of new digital solutions which seek to bring more social inclusion and interaction as well as comfort and quality of life to the daily routine of persons with disabilities, in line with SDG 10 (reduced inequality). Simultaneously, it aims at fostering the innovation ecosystem with a focus on ICT Accessibility, in line with SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure).
invited to attend the ITU–EC Forum for Europe “Accessible Europe: ICT 4 ALL”, where finalists will be given the opportunity to exhibit their product and pitch their solution to an international audience of ecosystem stakeholders, institutional and industry representatives and the interested general public. Winners will be awarded with special recognition of ACCESSIBLE EUROPE and
other runner-ups will receive a certificate of participation. ITU members and industry partners, whenever appropriate, will promote the winning projects in national, regional and international events, thereby increasing the author/s business opportunities.