We are pleased to announce that our annual Kent And Sussex Poetry Open Poetry Competition is now open for your entries. It is being judged this year by Rishi Dastidar, a well-known poet and editor whose most recent collection Saffron Jack is published by Nine Arches Press.
Email entries should be sent to [email protected] after paying your entry fee using the Paypal buttons below. Please write COMPETITION ENTRY as the subject header.
Please attach all poems in a single Word file, with each poem starting on a new page. Pages should be formatted A4. All poems are judged anonymously and should not bear your name, nor any other form of identification. In the body of your email please include:
- Your name and address
- A list of poems submitted
- Where you heard about the competition
- Your Paypal transaction reference number.
- Each poem must be printed on a separate sheet of A4 paper. All poems are judged anonymously and should not bear your name, nor any other form of identification. On a separate sheet of A4 paper, please give:
- Your name and address
- A list of poems submitted
- Where you heard about the competition
Entries should be sent with the fee by normal post (NOT registered post) to:
The Competition Organiser, 58 Glebe Lane, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9BD, UK.
For a receipt, please supply an email address, or enclosed a stamped addressed envelope/postcard marked Confirmation of Receipt.
Any number of poems may be submitted on payment of £5 per poem, or for three or more poems, £4 each. Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to Kent & Sussex Poetry Society. No foreign currency accepted. Pounds Sterling or Sterling Drafts are accepted.
- All entries will be read by the judge.
- The competition is open to anyone aged 16 and over
- Poems must be in English, unpublished, not accepted for publication, and must be your own original work
- Poems may be on any subject in any form or style. They must be typed and be no more than 40 lines
- Winners will be notified by email or post. No person will be awarded more than one prize. The prize-winning poems will be published in the Society’s annual Poetry Folio in September 2021
- Poems cannot be returned to the contestants. The decision of the judge will be final, and there can be no correspondence concerning the result.
As in previous years, we offer seven prizes:
1st Prize: £1000
2nd Prize: £300
3rd Prize: £100
4th Prize: 4 x £50
Deadline:- 31-01-2021
Entry fees: £5 per poem; 3 or more poems, £4 each