The large district town of Erding northeast of Munich is facing a planning challenge that will have a formative influence on the future of the city: the Conversion of large parts of the Erding Air Base, which was previously used by the military, into civil use.
The starting point for this is the structural reform of the Bundeswehr, which provides for a significant reduction in troops and the implementation of a new nationwide stationing concept. In October 2011, the Federal Ministry of Defense announced that most of the Erding Air Base would be closed by December 31, 2024.
In this context, the city of Erding must first clarify which planning intentions it wants to pursue on the area that will be vacated in order to ensure its sustainable and orderly development. It has therefore decided to hold a closed urban and landscape planning ideas and implementation competition. The competition area comprises the southern half of the air base with an area of ​​around 190 ha, with a core area of ​​around 30 ha being examined in more depth. The total size of the Erding Air Base is around 380 ha, of which around 365 ha are in the Erdinger district.
New areas for residential and commercial use are to be created on the site. A large proportion of the area is intended for green areas, whereby elements of the former air base can be included in the use and design concept. In the area of ​​the competition area close to the city, a building area with predominantly residential use is to be created (core area).
The main planning standards in the competition are probably M 1.2.500 and M 1: 1,000 (core area) as well as M 1: 500 for exemplary situations in the core area.
On the basis of the competition, an urban and landscape planning framework plan for the development of the district is to be drawn up in cooperation with the citizens.
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and / or program financed by EU funds: no
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions for participation III.1.10) Criteria for the selection of participants:
Zur To take part in the competition, applicants or groups of applicants from the fields of urban planning and landscape architecture who have experience in working on tasks of comparable complexity are selected.
The formation of applicant communities is not necessary if an applicant combines the required subject areas. Consultation with experts in traffic planning, energy planning, and immission control is recommended.
For participation in the competition, the following selection criteria apply in terms of minimum requirements:
1 Fully completed and signed participation application;Â The form provided is to be used: In the case of applicant groups, a separate application to participate must be completed for each member;
2 Self-declaration regarding the authorization to use the job title (see form for participation
application ) 3 Self-declaration regarding the non-existence of reasons for exclusion according to § 123 and optional reasons for exclusion according to § 124 GWB (see form for participation application Appendix B)
4 Self-declaration regarding the absence of reasons for exclusion according to § 4 ( 2) RPW (see participation
application form) 5 Self-declaration on professional liability insurance (see participation application form)
6 Evidence of a reference project with the following characteristics:
– Urban design or urban planning for an urban development / open space planning competition according to RPW or GRW,
– The planning or competition area comprises at least 15 hectares of building area with a focus on residential construction,
– The completion of the planning or the competition is no more than 10 years before the date of the announcement
The reference must be presented in a PDF document (DIN A3) with the following information: project name, project location, size of the planning area and the building area (information in hectares), planning period (month and year), client, plans, explanations of the planning concept (Site plan, illustrations, text). In the case of foreign-language documents, a translation into the procedural language (German) must also be enclosed. Your own translation is sufficient.
In the case of applicant groups, it is sufficient if the reference comes from one of their members.
If the number of applicants * who meet the selection criteria is greater than the specified maximum number of participants in the competition process, a selection will be made by drawing lots. Likewise, an appropriate number of successors is determined by drawing lots.
III.2) Conditions
relating to the contract III.2.1) Information about a particular profession
Participation is reserved for a particular profession: yes state
Urban planner landscape architect (not independently entitled to participate); The formation of applicant communities of urban planners and landscape architects is compulsory if the individual applicant cannot prove all the necessary professional qualifications himself. (For more information see download “Additional documentation)
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.2) Type of contest
number of participants contemplated: 15
IV.1.7) Names of participants already selected:
abdominal plan landscape architects and urban planners PartGmbB, Munich
morpho-logic architects urban planners, Munich with landscape architects urban planners, Freising
Pesch Partner Architects Urban Planner GmbH, Dortmund
Reicher Haase Assoziierte GmbH, Aachen
Teleinternetcafè Architecture and Urbanism, Krauth Kumberger Schmidt PartGmbB, Berlin with greenhouse landscape architecture Hamburg
IV.1.9) Criteria for the evaluation of the projects:
Expected evaluation criteria in the competition;
– Performance and program fulfillment,
– Urban planning idea and integration, examination of the local conditions,
– Use and design quality of the open spaces,
– Consideration of the relationships between different functions,
– Consideration of the legal framework,
– Consideration of the acoustic framework,
– Consideration of the energetic framework,
– Ecological and climatic value,
– Feasibility of the building and open space concept,
– Functionality of the external and internal development,
– Appropriateness in terms of design and economy.
IV.2) Administrative
information IV.2.2) Deadline for the receipt of projects or requests to participate
Day: 26/01/2021
Local time: 23:59
IV.2.3) Date of sending invitations to participate to selected applicants
Day: 10/02/2021
IV.2.4) Language (s) in which projects can be created or requests to participate can be written:
€250,000 total
(Each participant in the competition phase will receive €5,000 for their submission.)
Number of participants (15)
The five preselected participants are:
• Bauchplan Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadtplaner PartGmbB, Munich
• morpho-logic Architekten Stadtplaner, Munich with Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner, Freising
• Pesch Partner Architekten Stadtplaner GmbH, Dortmund
• Reicher Haase Assoziierte GmbH, Aachen
• Teleinternetcafè Architektur und Urbanismus, Krauth Kumberger Schmidt PartGmbB, Berlin with Treibhaus Landschaftsarchitektur Hamburg
Deadline:- 26-01-2021