AFRL is seeking white papers to identify and build a machine learning-artificial intelligence system that can efficiently help researchers find appropriate conditions for optimization and discovery of new synthetic compounds as quickly as possible using multi-system approaches.
Grand Challenge Overview
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) seeks partners to design an ML/active-learning framework, with a library of Python based optimization tools (with an open source license), that can use multi-system workflows to discover optimal conditions and accelerate research across many problem domains. Eligibility for the challenge competition is limited to US Citizens and US Permanent residents.
The Challenge
AFRL (The Seeker) is seeking white papers to identify and build a machine learning-artificial intelligence system that can efficiently help researchers find appropriate conditions for optimization and discovery of new synthetic compounds as quickly as possible using multi-system approaches. The intent of this competition is for AFRL to use the results of this challenge as a building block for later efforts to demonstrate viability of this approach in multiple domains.
To be eligible for the contract award, the winner will sign Appendix A granting AFRL Government Purpose Rights and assign an open source license to the project. The winner of this challenge is eligible for a contract award up to $500,000.
The winner will be issued a contract award up to $500,000, distributed across four phases of effort.
Submissions will be evaluated on the ability of the concept to meet the requirement delineated under “The Solution.” If the evaluation team does not deem any submission viable to get to testable solutions, then no winners will be selected.
The seeker will issue the contract award winner 30% of the total contract award value (up to $150K) upon selection, 30% of the total contract award value (up to $150K) upon successful completion of phase II, 35% (up to $175K) of the total contract award value upon successful completion of phase III, and the final 5% (up to $25K) upon successful completion and demonstration of phase IV. If it is determined upon AFRL evaluation that the results of phases II or III are insufficient, then the program shall be terminated, and no additional money will be awarded to the winner.
Deadline:- 26-10-2022