The Commission initiates programme which aid empowerment and holistic development of women so that they are capable to gain access to opportunities and make their own decisions.
The National Commission for Women, a Statutory Body set up in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 has the mandate to safeguard the constitutional and statutory rights of women.
Health is a major concern worldwide. Women and children form an important pillar of the society and it is crucial to focus on their health and nutrition. The health concerns of women are numerous and influenced by various factors like gender disparities, early marriage, domestic violence and sexual abuse, malnutrition, poverty, illiteracy and access to quality healthcare.
The Government has accorded high priority to the issue of malnutrition and is making serious efforts to address this issue. The Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition or POSHAN Abhiyaan or National Nutrition Mission is Government of India’s flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Launched on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on 8 March, 2018 from Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan, the POSHAN Abhiyaan directs the attention of the country towards the problem of malnutrition and addresses it in a mission-mode. To give momentum to POSHAN Abhiyan, ‘National Council on India’s Nutrition Challenges’ on 24th July 2018 decided to celebrate the month of September as Rashtriya Poshan Maah.
Taking into account the celebration of fourth Rashtriya Poshan Maah (September 2021) under Poshan Abhiyan, the Commission has organized an Open Essay Writing Competition, with an aim to generate awareness and to promote the nutrition status among the masses.
The Competition will be open to all. The participants in can express their ideas on any one of the following topics:
- Eating Right- Make my plate;
- Men in action for improved nutrition among women;
- Building a Sisterhood of Success: Empowering Women for Improved Nutrition;
- Breaking the Intergenerational Cycle of Under-nutrition.
Prize for the top entries is as follows:
Top 5 (five) regional entries (North, East, West, South and Central) to receive a Certificate + Rs. 5,000/- reward each from National Commission for Women.
Deadline:- 30-09-2021