Kettle Brand is an unconventional chip with the truest flavors, boldly made from authentic food and kettle cooked for a heartier crunch. With spring and summer right around the corner, we are preparing to create our next round of limited time offer chips with a flavor or flavor combination that evokes all things we love about spring and summer.
To give you an example from the past, one of our most popular limited time offer flavors was apple cider vinegar flavored chips which we released in the fall. We are hoping you can provide the creative flavor or flavor combinations to power similar success for our spring & summer chips!
Please complete the following:
1) Propose a flavor or flavor combination for our limited time offer spring & summer chips. Don’t be afraid to be bold and adventurous with your ideas, but remember that the flavor should evoke spring & summer!
2) Why do you think your flavor or flavor combination would be successful?
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $800
Deadline:- 31-03-2021