Promote the importance of preventing alcohol and other drug misuse among college students.
The contest is an opportunity for colleges and universities to demonstrate how students are taking action to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse on their campus, and to inspire and challenge others to take action to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse among college students. The three winners (first, second, and third place) will be announced during the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ 2023 Strategies Conference. This conference provides student affairs practitioners with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively prevent alcohol and other drug misuse among college students through comprehensive and integrated approaches. The prize structure is as follows: First Place: $5,000 to support the winning campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse among their students and a recognition plaque. The first-place winning college or university also will receive a trip (for up to two people) to attend the 2023 Strategies Conference, including roundtrip, coach-class air transportation; three nights’ accommodations; complimentary conference registration; and government per diem for meals and incidental expenses for Kansas City; Second Place: $3,000 to support the winning campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse among their students and a recognition plaque; Third Place: $1,000 to support the winning campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse among their students and a recognition plaque.