The Seeker operates equipment with a physical barrier of refractory material between a reaction chamber and a combustion chamber. The reaction produces hydrogen chloride gas (HCl) at high temperature that has a limited diffusion through the barrier into the combustion chamber. The Seeker is looking for a solution to reduce this diffusion even further. Solutions must be resistant to the aggressive operating environment of the reactor while maintaining or improving the heat transfer between the chambers.
Many processes that produce chemical products rely on heating of a reaction chamber by a combustion chamber that is physically separated from the reaction chamber by a heat-conducting barrier. If the chemical process produces a gaseous product or by-product the barrier should be impervious to the gas to prevent contamination of the combustion chamber and its exhaust. The Seeker conducts a process that produces hydrogen chloride gas (HCl) at high temperature in the reaction chamber and the HCl gas has a limited diffusion through the refractory material of the barrier. They are looking for solutions including, but not limited to, coatings, treatments, or new barrier materials that maintain or improve the current heat transfer and mechanical strength properties while reducing/eliminating the HCl diffusion into the combustion chamber. Solutions must be able to withstand the aggressive chemical environment in the reactor up to 1200°C or should be resistant to an open flame developed in the combustion chamber.
This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award is contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposed solutions by the Seeker.
Awards:- $20,000
Deadline:- 18-07-2022