The risk of accidents at work represents a problem, especially in a post-pandemic world with the rise in remote working. With advances in technology, always-on systems that can detect warning signs and other anomalies in the behavior of workers would reduce this risk and improve the health and safety of drivers, operators, and field workers.
Can you provide a solution that can help the Seeker companies to prevent workplace accidents before they happen?
The COTEC Foundation have organized this contest, with their members Enel, Eni, and Leonardo, to find systems that can detect behavior and warning signs of risk to their drivers, operators, and field workers.
Your system could help prevent situations that can create danger or risks. For instance, a solution that could identify warning signs in workers’ vital conditions, behavior, and/or safety equipment use (e.g. use of PPE) will reduce hazards – keeping them safe.
Your solution, at Technology Readiness Level ≥ 5, should detect these anomalies in behavior, as well as providing data for reporting and analysis. Detecting these signs will help the Seekers to prevent workplace accidents through the use of new technologies.
This Challenge contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Awards:- Up to $20,000
Deadline:- 02-05-2023
Note:- Only EU and UK Citizens are eligible for an award in this Challenge.