People seem to be getting in the Christmas spirit earlier and earlier each year. Decorations appear for sale in stores in the fall, Christmas songs are on the radio in October…
The Elves at the North Pole are starting to recognize this, and need to work as fast as possible to launch their latest holiday offering: SantaTV+! A 24/7 streaming television channel where it’s “Always Christmas, All the Time.” To debut their new station, they’ve decided to kick things off with a made-for-television Christmas movie marathon!
But elves know that just as important as the movie themselves is the order they’ll be aired. So the elves have decided the best way to figure out which order is best is to watch all the movies in every possible combination to see which feels the most Christmas-y.
Your job is to help the elves by giving them the shortest viewing schedules that shows them every combination of movies so they can get SantaTV+ live as soon as possible! The elves have formed three movie-watching teams to lighten the load, so every combination must be seen by at least one of their groups. But they’re also pretty sure they want to kick off the movie marathon movies back-to-back, so be sure that each group has all the combinations that start with those. And finally, the elves have agreed to two sugar breaks, so you’re allowed to give them two wildcards, which will play all the movies at once while they’re snacking, which will help speed things along.
They can’t launch SantaTV+ until all the groups have finished watching – so help give them the most efficient schedule to see every Christmas movie combination, and help them get back to making toys!
- 1st Place – $5,000
- 2nd Place – $5,000
- 3rd Place – $5,000
- 4th Place – $5,000
Rudolph Prize – $5,000: Awarded to the team holding 1st place on the leaderboard for the longest period of time between Tuesday, November 16, 2021 12:00 am UTC and Tuesday, January 11, 2022 11:59 PM UTC. In the event the competition needs to be restarted, the Rudolph Prize dates shall be the new start and deadline of the competition.
Deadline:- 04-01-2022