Help Vodacom to (re)engage with South African customers by suggesting new and truly unique ways to add value that will meet customer needs.
With over 80% smartphone penetration, South Africa has one of the largest information and communications technology (ICT) markets in Africa. Vodacom is the leading network operator by market share, but the telecommunication industry, in particular, is very competitive – on average a customer subscribes to at least 2 lines (i.e. 2 different SIM cards – sometimes from the same network, and sometimes from different networks). Most customers have a SIM for voice / calls and another SIM for data. Looking at the global digital transformation upon us, data spend tends to be higher than that of voice – data receives highest share of the wallet, so ultimately, the brand used for data stands to tally higher spend / revenue from those customers.
The network operators in South Africa are perceived to be offering the same value with very little differentiators, which means that:
- The decision to subscribe to one network operator over another one, seems to have little to do with the actual offering and the perceived value it offers, but more to do with pricing / price perceptions.
- It is difficult for a network operator to stand out from its competitors.
With the above in mind, Vodacom wants to find ways to differentiate itself from its competitors by delivering an offering that is completely unique and conveys the perception of ‘value’ better than its competitors.
Thus far, Vodacom has launched a few campaigns about products and services with the aim of conveying ‘value’, but customer response to these products and services has been unenthusiastic and perceived to lack uniqueness. However, Vodacom believes that, if they can refresh their offerings to better convey the perception of ‘value’, that they would be able to stand out from other competitors, which will in turn create greater affinity and personal recommendations for their brand.
The main challenge now is understanding what those unique offerings (products and / or services) should be, to ensure that the response in future creates excitement and engagement.
- #1 Prize €2,500
- #2 Prize €1,500
- #3 Prize €500
Deadline:- 04-04-2021