Your task is it to identify and explain fields of application (large scale) for one or both technologies described below. What value delivers your idea? In which industry could the technologies be applied?
As one of the leading steel producers in the world, voestalpine is present in a wide variety of markets. With the aim of always having the customer in mind and pushing ahead with innovations as quickly and thoughtfully as possible, voestalpine continuously develops its technologies and explores new markets. However, voestalpine sees even more potential in two technologies that are ready for the market and being used in different industries – clad plates and PVD coatings. With the help of the HYVE Crowd, this potential is to be exploited.
1st place “PVD COATINGS”€ 2,000 1st place “CLAD PLATES”€ 2,000 2nd place€ 1,000 3rd place€ 500 4th – 10th place€ 200
Deadline:- 29-10-2020