Originating as a concept in Egypt over 5000 years ago, a skincare regimen has long been a valued part of many people’s lives. With beginnings in different types of natural oils, dough and even ostrich eggs, we’ve certainly come a long way since. Nowadays there are seemingly endless amounts of creams, lotions, serums, devices, new technologies, etc. on the market and with many different application methods.
The anti-aging component of skincare products is a key motivator to keep one’s skin young, smooth and wrinkle-free. With that, we want to know what the future of anti-aging skincare should look like!
- What issues do you feel like are not being addressed or could be improved upon when it comes to current skincare products?
- What is your innovative anti-aging solution for skincare of the future? This can be an improvement upon a current product, a new product or ingredient, a supplemental device, AR/VR technology, supplements, etc.
- Your idea should not be something openly on the market today.
- No home remedy solutions. Your idea should be scalable and sellable in a retail environment.
- Explain how your solution fights aging and wrinkles.
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $1,600
Deadline:- 20-02-2022