The Tongal Community consists of incredible creators and content makers, and over the years has continued to grow, with over 30,000 Subscribers on its YouTube Channel. Now we’re giving you the creative freedom to let your out-of-the-box ideas fly and play around and in the process, showcase your work to everyone and help us grow our community at the same time.
We’re asking you to create creature-based videos for Tongal’s YouTube Channel. What kind of creatures? Any kind of creatures. Puppets, papercraft, claymation, animated, electronic, make-up and costume – whatever you can come up with – and the format is wide open too. Here are just a few examples of the types of content that we’re open to:
Educational Content
Original Short Films
Satirical Videos
Recreations of Scenes from History
Recreations of famous movie scenes
Tips & Advice
Any or all of these, but featuring a creature in some way. These can be single videos, or they can be a short series that can be scaled up into multiple videos. All we ask is that you either inform, entertain, or both and that creativity is at the heart of your content. We also are open to considering already existing content for the channel, or taking a look at ideas and concepts that aren’t yet fully formed, in which case we’d be happy to help you develop something that has potential. Look at our reference videos in the Background to see the level of diversity we’re open to.
When you submit your videos, our producers may have revisions and suggestions.
One :60 to 3:00 Video for YouTube (16×9)
One :10-:30 promotional cutdown for IG (1×1)
Two Thumbnail Images delivered as PNG with PSD raws (1280×720 and 1080×1080)
One 500 word written summary for the YouTube description.
- Pitch Phase: March 31 – April 19
- Pitches announced: April 23
- Pre-production: April 23 – May 3
- Production: May 3 – May 24
- Revisions: May 24 – June 7
- Project closes: June 7
YouTube, with cutdowns used to promote on Instagram.
Please review the platform best practices page.
TARGET AUDIENCE: The Tongal Community and creators across the Internet – predominantly writers, filmmakers, directors, animators, editors, and producers
EXECUTIONAL MANDATORIES: You will be required to utilize the Tongal YouTube Channel title sequence, end card, thumbnail frames and background loop (if needed).
By participating in this project, creators acknowledge that the sponsor is under no obligation to greenlight a submission. Though most projects on our platform do move forward with a greenlit submission, we will notify you in the event the sponsor decides not to fund any submissions via the project forum. Regardless of the result, all submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by the sponsor and the project team.
Our priority is ensuring everyone’s safety, so please review our COVID-19 Production Safety Guide and check federal, state, and local rules before and during your shoot to make sure your on-set protocols are up to date. We’re working hard to keep people working during this extraordinary time, and our advice here is to make sure your submission is executable within the anticipated timeline, while also ensuring everyone’s safety.
Awards:- Project Fund $1,000
Deadline:- 20-04-2021