Blockchain technology is considered to be the biggest invention since Internet. It has already taken the world by storm and provides immense potential to change the way transactions are done in the present world. Keeping in view of the potential of Blockchain technology, STPI CoE in Blockchain at Gurugram has been established.
• Apiary’s ICP 2.0 invites the proposals/applications from Indian Start-ups who are working in Blockchain.
• Start-ups registered with DPIIT under start-up India programme are encouraged to participate in this program. The definition of Start-ups prescribed by DPIIT is reproduced below and subject to change from time to time.
Company Registration: The start-up must be registered/incorporated within last 10 years as on date of opening of challenge.
Annual Turnover: Start-up should have an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its incorporation.
Original Entity: Entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstructing an already existing business.
Innovative & Scalable: Entity working towards innovation, development or improvement of products, processes or services or if it is a scalable business model with high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
• Individual Academicians, Researchers, Educators, Entrepreneurs, partnership firms, LLPs may also participate. However, if they are selected then they will have to register as private limited company in a stipulated time (preferably within 3 months).
Following are the domains using the Blockchain Technology: 1. Financial Services 2. Travel & Mobility 3. Infrastructure, Energy & Utilities 4. Healthcare 5. Agriculture 6. Supply chain 7. e-Voting 8. Digital Records – Credit Issuance & Verification 9. Smart Contracts 10. Retail & Consumer 11. Entertainment & Media (Digital IPs) 12. E-Governance use cases pertaining to Land Records, Public Health, Labour, Service Record, Pension Delivery and Law Enforcement.
CoE shall support and guide start-ups for raising funds towards PoC, MVP and Marketing as well as scaling up through grants, equity and debt by leveraging connections with potential customers and CSR/Corporate sources as well as angels, High Net worth Individuals (HNIs) and VCs as per appropriate size of start-ups.