The Green Crescent is organizing an International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest to draw attention to addictions in our country and the rest of the world while raising awareness among the youth.
We aim at delivering strong messages about our struggle against addictions, which cartoonists from all four corners of the world will devise by adding humor to their cartoons, to the public through this year’s contest, which will be the fifth.
Subject Matter of the Contest: “The New Generation and the New Generation Addictions”
We have selected the topic of this year’s cartoon contest as “The New Generation and the New Generation Addictions.” We expect the cartoonists to focus on the causes of addictions, how they spread, their consequences, effects of the pandemic, and online betting and online gambling additions within the framework of that theme. We aim at sharing the power and effect of healthy life with the world and young people from the perspective of cartoonists. We would like to thank the outstanding cartoonists for their valuable contributions in connection with that topic in advance.
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Awards:- A first prize of 12,500 TRY, a second prize of 10,000 TRY and a third prize of 7,500 TRY will be given to the producers of the best entries. Moreover, three entries will receive excellence awards of 3,500 TRY, and one will be selected for the “Mazhar Osman Award”, also for 3,500 TRY.All award winning artists will be given a plaque and travel and accommodation costs will be covered.
Deadline:- 31-01-2021