New graphic design contest on FERA and Desall invite you to create a new corporate brand identity which consists of restyling the logo, redesigning graphic templates and a new payoff.
FERA – Fabbrica Energie Rinnovabili Alternative (in English this translates to ‘alternative renewable energy factory’) was founded in March 2001, in Milan Italy, where it continues to have its headquarters. FERA is one of the first developers in Italy of wind power plants which produce electrical power.
FERA has grown over time by building renewable energy plants in various Italian regions, investing in the most innovative technology and in environmental and land protection. Local authorities, institutions and citizens are the stakeholders with whom FERA has consolidated its reputation as an ethical company, operating according to the best practices in the sector.
Thanks to renewable energy plants built by FERA, various municipalities have made a considerable contribution to achieving regional targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. From 2001 to date, FERA has achieved various ambitious objectives, thanks to its dynamic, competent team, who are aware of the social, ethical and environmental importance of renewable energy development.
What we are looking for
The brief is available in the following languages:
– Italian
– English
Download the Material filesStart creating your inspiration wall using the Inspiration tab and get inspired by the hints of other creatives!
FERA is looking to renew its branding by restyling its logo, graphic templates and a new payoff that will clearly communicate the firm’s mission statement. For more information on FERA you can visit the firm’s website at
For the correct realisation of your proposals, please take into consideration the following guidelines:
Current corporate branding:
To this day, FERA’s corporate branding is formed by a logo and a payoff. The logo revolves around the concept of wind energy (the 5 blue horizontal lines on the left portion of the logo) that transforms into clean Energy (represented by the capital E plus the 4 text elements on the right side portion of the logo). The logo includes the words: Fabbrica (Factory), Energie (Energy), Rinnovabili (Renewable), Alternative (Alternative) that make up the FERA acronym. These 4 words will not be a part of the new logo.
The current payoff, “generazione possibile” (which literally translates into ‘possible generation’ in English) carries three meanings:
• It is possible to generate energy in a sustainable manner;
• It is necessary to focus on a new generation of environmentally responsible bodies, such as schools, associations, etc.;
• A responsible and environmentally sustainable business model can make an environmentally greener life possible for future generations.
The current logo and payoff can be found in the material files downloadable from the official contest page.
Requested elements and templates:
1. Logo: the logo should be composed of the FERA acronym and one or more graphic elements that should represent the concept of “Wind that transforms into Clean Energy”. The words Fabbrica (Factory), Energie (Energy), Rinnovabili (Renewable), Alternative (Alternative) must not be included in the new logo. It is possible to develop both a logotype and a monogram.
2. Payoff: the payoff should be in English and have a clear meaning. It is important that the new payoff conveys effectively the following message: “FERA works to transform WIND into clean ENERGY”. The chosen font should complement the new logo in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and designers may customize it with effects and the like. We suggest, however, not to modify the font itself.
3. Commemorative element: designers are requested to create an additional graphic element containing the dates of FERA’s 20th anniversary: “2001-2021”. This element will be utilized in conjunction with the logo to mark future anniversaries, too. Designers can choose a font or create a dedicated element; in either case there should be a focus on maintaining stylistic consistency with the logo.
4. Headed paper: it should come in A4 format, vertical orientation, and contain the logo, payoff and other information, such as address, contacts, footer etc.
5. Headed paper for other brands within the group: it should come in A4 format, vertical orientation, and contain the wording “Fera Company”, written in the same font as the payoff, and other information such as address, contacts, footer etc.
6. Business card: it should come in horizontal orientation and contain the logo, payoff and other information such as address, contacts etc.
7. Presentation layout in horizontal orientation: it should contain the logo, payoff and other optional information.
Style and colors: in terms of aesthetic, a modern, minimal, impactful style is preferred, with good readability and in line with market trends and brand values. As for colors, designers are free to create their own palette, although, in doing so, they should keep into consideration the renewable energy sector, in particular, the wind energy sector.
Brand values:
• Attention to the local population and ecosystems;
• Environmental protection for the sake of current and future generations;
• Social responsibility for a sustainable and ethical future.
Additionally, FERA has:
the desire and ability to anticipate change, the vision and expertise to act outside of traditional boundaries, as well as the perseverance and ability to incorporate global values while being attentive and respectful of local objectives.
Target: FERA’s client pool includes institutions, organizations, corporations, banks and investment funds. FERA also interacts with associations, schools, local communities, universities, research centres and non-governmental organizations. Generally, FERA’s competitors are businesses that work with the production of renewable energy. You can download a list of all partners and most competitors at – the website of the National Association of Wind Energy/Associazione Nazionale Energia del Vento – ANEV.
Deliverables: upload all images in order to present your projects in the best possible way. The images in the gallery (maximum 5) must have a proportion of 4:3; Allowed file formats: .jpg, .gif o .png; colours: RGB; max file size: 1MB. You are invited to upload a .zip archive with the vector files pertaining to your project(s) by using the dedicated function on the upload page when submitting your project.\
Awards:- €3000 total
Deadline:- 09-11-2021