In Jamshedpur there are many old buildings, spanning a range of 60 to 100 years with reinforced brick (RB) ceiling. These RB roofs often fall without showing any early warning signs, creating serious safety risks. The fallen debris usually consists of loose plaster, cement, lime, or chunks of bricks.
Current safety measures like installing false ceilings, patching up the roof, or adding a wire mesh above the false ceiling only provide temporary solutions to prevent falling debris.
Therefore, a solution is needed to assess the condition and strength of these old RB roofs, which come in two types: flat and arch roofs.
- Falling concrete chunks
- Falling brick pieces
- Weakening of the RB roof structure
- A method for early detection of damage and repair techniques
- Evaluating the deterioration of bricks and mortar and ways to strengthen them
- A process to assess the health and remaining lifespan of the structure (residual life)
The solution should be cost-effective, practical to implement, and provide long-term safety and cost-saving benefits.
Awards:- Attractive
Deadline:- 03-01-2025