No one knows your neighborhood better than you. You know where to get the most post-worthy coffee, but also where to get the best-tasting coffee (and yes, there IS a difference). You know which parks are best for picnics with friends, and which parks are best for your dogs to run around. You know which neighbor likes to talk on the phone, and which neighbor likes to talk to himself (he’s prepping for a town council meeting, okay?). And most importantly, you are proud to be a part of your community.
Nextdoor is looking for enthusiastic creators, like yourself, to share stories about your neighborhood. We’re looking for authentic, homemade, docu-style videos – up to :90 in length – that celebrate the people, places, and stories that make YOUR neighborhood unique! We’re not asking you to create advertising content for Nextdoor; this is really about celebrating your own neighborhood, in your own words. There are a few good examples of videos just like this in the Background, but this isn’t about a big professional shoot, and you can submit something made with footage that you shot on your phone. No Nextdoor logo or branding is needed for your video either.
We want to show that Nextdoor is not just about finding lost pets or local plumbers – neighbors can also create, discover, and share amazing content that celebrates anything and everything in the neighborhood! Plus, Nextdoor wants to build long-term relationships with the top creators in this project.
Creators whose submissions are selected will ultimately have to provide releases for their talent, locations, and any photography or artwork sourced from other neighbors. More information about that is in Executional Mandatories, but for any questions or other project updates, check out the Project Forum.
- Post your video on your Nextdoor account. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one.
- When posting on Nextdoor, the video must be made viewable to everyone on Nextdoor. (In the posting flow, you will need to choose “Anyone” in the visibility settings.) Once posted, please submit the link as part of your Tongal submission.
- Please do not mention that your video is a part of a contest in your video or post copy.
- Please include #loveyourneighborhood post copy. Including the #loveyourneighborhood in the video is optional.
- You must also submit on Tongal.
- Login to or create a Tongal account
- Upload your video through the “Submit” tab of the project page (above the Synopsis)
- Fill out the required information on the Submission Form and click the “Submit Video” button
- One 1st Place submission will receive a $10,000 grand prize
- One 2nd Place submission will receive $5,000
- One 3rd Place submission will receive $2,500
- Seventeen Additional Submissions will receive $500 each
Deadline:- 20-08-2021