Toy-based Game Hackathon welcomes everybody to join the Hackathon in making attractive toy based game, bringing out Indian tradition and culture.
Toys and games have always been an enjoyable means of training young childrenabout life and values in society. Playing with toys have always been considered important when it comes to growing up and learning about the world around us. Toy based game have also been a way to narrate stories from past and inculcate knowledge or principles among childrens since ages. Through this Hackathon, we will be wish to educate children about our culture, heritage and rituals to our children and help in knowing more about our cultural and traditional richness.
A toy is an object, often a small representation of something familiar, as an animal or person for children or others to play with. Dolls, toys and games have been popular among children from unknown times. Toys and games have been thought of as torches which guide children into adult life, for it is through them that they are initiated into the inner mysteries, traditions and faith of the world they are to enter.
A toy’s appeal lies in the form and shape, the beauty of line, the colour and details, the charm of miniaturization and the humor of caricature. Games give us a feel of things we cant do in real life thereby keeping us in touch with fantasy.
Hon’ble Prime Minister in his Mann Ki Baat address on August 30th 2020, mentioned about the great potential and opportunity that can be tapped for Aatma Nirbhar Indigenous Toys. In order to give visibility to the Indigenous Toys manufacturer, MyGov launches a National level Hackathon on designing a toy-based game based on Indian tradition, culture, heritage, mythological characters and has ritual significance.
The entries in the contest will be in two parts.
- Individual participation
- Team participation (maximum of 4 people)
Please fill the form to participate
All entries will be checked for its originality and not being plagiarized
The applications will be evaluated on different parameters(refer evaluation)
The game can be in any of the following fields/ categories:
- Board game
- Outdoor Game
- Digital Game – Any game can be in digital form by usage of toys or props (eg pieces on chess board or dice in ludo). Each digital game must include storyline with props or toys inside the game.
This is the time that we utilize the strenghth of our bright ideas and bring out games based on our Indian culture, tradition and heritage and stories of ancient lives and put into display the beliefs and traditions that exist among communities of people.
With the change in lifestyle and flourish of western influence, we see one striking difference between the childhood of modern children and the childhood of previous generation, is the lack of Indian or native games. Earlier games had a rich culture and heritage value and were tools of passing on some ancestral knowledge. And games also had one most important thing, that they were suitable for all ages. So they increased the interaction between generations.
In order to address these, MyGov launches this toy-based game Hackathon.
- No age criterion
- Participation can be an individual or a team
- Entries should be original and not plagiarized
- The Innovation Challenge will be available on
- The last date of submission of entry is 20-Jan-2021
- The applicant needs to log-in on MyGov portal:
- Applicants are advised to provide self-contained proposals with essential supporting materials provided as uploads for an informed and fair evaluation/review.
- No changes will be accepted once proposals are submitted.
- Providing incorrect information will lead to outright rejection of proposals.
All the submitted entries will be reviewed by our evaluators under different fields.
Each application will be assessed by a set of evaluators to ensure the best submission gets selected.
- All entries will be checked for its originality and not being plagiarized.
- The game proposed must have usage of toys or props (eg pieces on chess board or dice in ludo) and incase of of a digital game, the game must include storyline with prop or toys inside the game.
- The game must reflect Indian culture, tradition and values. The significance of value proposed can be limited to local or National level.
- The submission should have a brief about the game within 500 words
The applications will be evaluated on different parameters:
- Including but not limited to the market need
- use of props or Toys
- novelty of the idea/innovation
- Story line of the proposed game
- How well Indian culture or Indian tradition has its significance in the game
- Scalability
- potential impact
- commercialization capacity
Top winner in each category to get cash reward of Rs 1 lakh each
The evaluators reserve the right to select or reject any submission without assigning any reasons whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the participant(s) whatsoever.
Deadline:- 20-01-2021