1. You find a topic related to an EU funded project. Many projects can be found here , here , here or here for the French projects. You can also ask the European Commission representation in your country for existing projects.
2. You connect to the Union Is Strength forum to meet your partner (a French person if you come from another EU country, a European coming from another country of EU if you are French).
3. Together you apply, according to the modalities indicated here , and try to win the price of 1500 €.
In the form of pairs, the journalists will take a closer look at initiatives in France and in Europe supported by the cohesion policy of the European Union and will draw from them articles which will be published in three languages, French, English, and in one of the twenty-four official languages of the Union.
The competition is open to young journalists aged 30 and over who are nationals of the European Union. Twenty pairs of Franco-European journalists will be selected by a jury made up of Slate.fr journalists and personalities recognized for their journalistic work.
III – Collaboration
Each pair will have to propose two co-signed subjects, each one relating to an initiative developed in the countries of origin of its two members. The young journalists selected will be remunerated for their journalistic work up to 1500 euros per pair.
These proposals must meet the following criteria:
be submitted by a duo of young journalists, at the end of their training or recently graduates aged 30 years or less. Each pair must be made up of a French journalist and a journalist from a country of the European Union
include two proposed subjects: the first on an initiative carried out in a French region, the second on an initiative carried out in a region of the country of origin of the other journalist of the pair
present new initiatives supported by the European Union concerning a European region and more particularly initiatives developed via the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ), the Cohesion Fund ( CF ) and the European Social Fund ( ESF ) and in particular the Fund for a just transition and the recovery plan in key sectors – innovation, ecology, digital, social, citizenship – while respecting the complete editorial independence of the actors concerned.
Awards:- 1500 Euros
Deadline:- 20-12-2021