Our company is preparing to launch an “open talent” marketplace that will help freelancers and independent workers find, apply to, and complete work with enterprises across the world. One difference between our company and other existing platforms is that we’re positioned to attract high-value and higher-paying projects than other available talent marketplaces.
As we prepare to launch our marketplace, it’s crucial we have a name that successfully captures the following ideas:
- Direct access to top freelance/independent talent for companies
- Seamless opportunity for independent talent to market their skills and find work at a good market value
We are excited to see what names you come up with!
1)Â What would you name our open talent marketplace?
2) How does your name capture the following ideas/themes?
- Direct access to top freelance/independent talent for companies
- Seamless opportunity for independent talent to market their skills and find work at fair market value
NOTEÂ – Make sure your name idea is not currently being used online
Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $1,000
Deadline:- 05-04-2022