Renowned Indian artists such as Raja Ravi Verma, Jamini Roy, Amrita Sher Gill, celebrated world masters such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh were prolific artists in their teens! They began young!!
Pratima Arts invites talented “Teen Artists” to participate in an exclusive National Level Art Competition. “The National Teen Art Competition” is a fabulous avenue to compete with the best in the country.
What are you waiting for?? – Pick up your brushes, bring ’em palettes out, get painting or sketching!
– Get your work reviewed by world class jury, win fabulous cash prizes, mentorship with experts, gift vouchers, medals, a portfolio of your artworks, await the winners
– Cash Prizes : 20,000
– Total Prize Value : 1 Lacs
– A professionally curated Art Exhibition & participation certificate for all participants.
Deadline:- 10-09-2021