Registration open now for CBSE and IntelIndia AI For Youth Virtual SymposiumCBSE, in collaboration with Intel, is organizing an ‘AI For Youth’ virtual symposium from October 13 – 17, 2020. The symposium will enable Youth to learn about AI readiness skills and other emerging technologies from global leaders, gain an immersive experience and witness AI social impact projects created by their own peers.
This symposium will be open for Students (class 8 and above), Principals and Teachers of all schools pan India. The attendees will be able to access sessions on diverse topics by national and international speakers, visit the showcase zone and interact with presenters, join in the experiential zone and attend live webinars. A detailed agenda is attached as Annexure I
In this regard, the Heads of all CBSE affiliated schools are requested to circulate this information with students and teachers and encourage them to participate in the symposium. Being an online event, it is important to gain the consent of parents and guardians. Thus, to complete the registration process and get access to the symposium every student must share a consent form (Annexure-II) signed by the parent.
In addition, we may also attempt on setting a Guinness World Record for Building AI readiness skills in students during the symposium. More details will be shared post-registration.
This form once signed can be uploaded at or can be sent to [email protected] along with the name and email address of the child to pre-register for the event. Principals and Teachers can simply send in an e-mail at [email protected] sharing their name, designation, school name and email id. In case of larger number of teachers participating from the same school please send in a single e-mail with all details.