The holiday season is quickly approaching, which means lots of purchasing activity from consumers all around the globe. Unfortunately, retailers are currently experiencing an especially difficult supply chain crunch in many industries. This is causing product delays, price fluctuations, and other inconveniences which will be frustrating for consumers as they start making their holiday purchases.
We want ideas for things retailers can do to lessen the frustration of consumers during this holiday season. Even though product deliveries may be delayed, we feel that retailers can take certain actions to keep their customers happy and show that they understand their frustrations.
Please complete the following:
1) Propose something a retailer could to in order to keep customers happy despite potential supply chain issues this holiday season
- What is the benefit to consumers of your idea?
- Why do you think it will keep consumers happy even if their purchases are delayed?
2) Tell us any brands/companies you think are doing a good job at addressing consumer frustrations during this supply chain crunch.
- 1-10 Scale
Awards:- $800
Deadline:- 12-12-2021